Our Services
Mouth, Face & Jaw Reconstructive Surgery At OSSIM
This type of surgery is typically performed on patients who have suffered from trauma, disease or congenital abnormalities that have affected the structures of the mouth, face or jaw.
What Is Mouth, Face & Jaw Reconstructive Surgery?
Mouth, face and jaw reconstructive surgery is a complex field that involves repairing and restoring structures that have been damaged or lost due to disease, trauma, or congenital abnormalities. This type of surgery aims to improve function, alleviate pain, and restore the appearance of these structures.
Mouth, face and jaw reconstructive surgery may involve a range of procedures, depending on the individual patient’s needs. These can include bone grafting, dental implant placement, jaw reconstruction or soft tissue reconstruction. The surgeon may use a variety of techniques to restore or replace missing or damaged tissue, including microsurgery and tissue engineering. Patients who undergo mouth, face and jaw reconstructive surgery often experience significant improvements in their quality of life, including improved speech, chewing ability and facial appearance. The surgery can also help to alleviate pain and discomfort and reduce the risk of further complications.